Finance & Budgeting / en Tue, 22 Oct 2024 21:27:24 -0500 Mon, 08 Apr 24 11:26:11 -0500 From "Survival Mode" to Flourishing /education-events/survival-mode-flourishing <p>Were you unable to attend Exchange23? Do you want a chance to view one of the highest-rated presentations from AHE's annual Education Summit?</p><p>Benjamin Kenyon will re-present his content from Exchange23 on the topic of significant staffing challenges and increased workload EVS departments experience. If your department is stuck at status quo, this webinar will assist in looking outside your comfort zone to catapult your department forward. Benjamin will cover utilizing current resources to produce a highly-engaged team.</p><p>For more presentations such as this, be sure to <a href="/ahe-exchange-conference">attend 91Exchange24</a>, July 21-24 in Phoenix!</p><h3><small>LEARNING OBJECTIVES</small></h3><ul><li>Identify non-essential functions & tasks preformed on a regular basis </li><li>Develop the ability to prioritize by importance versus need </li><li>Create a plan to elevate departmental patient experience scores during staffing challenges </li><li>Provide goals for both EVS leadership and frontline staff that motivate and inspire</li></ul><h3><small>REGISTRATION INFORMATION</small></h3><p>This is a pre-recorded, on-demand webinar available at your convenience.</p><p>Product Code: 324WB0424</p><hr><h3><small>SPEAKER</small></h3><p><strong>Benjamin Kenyon, CMIP, T-CHEST, T-CSCT, T-CNACC </strong><br>Evening Manager, Environmental Services<br>Saratoga Hospital</p> Mon, 08 Apr 2024 11:26:11 -0500 Finance & Budgeting EVS Algebra Refresher /education-events/webinar-evs-algebra-refresher <p>Algebra is a foundational skill that most EVS leaders will find themselves needing to utilize multiple times throughout their career. Whether calculating FTE salaries or labor costs per pay period, knowing the basics of algebra comes in handy.</p><p>AHE's <a href="/designations/chesp">CHESP certification</a> requires passing an exam that includes algebraic equations. Understanding how to set up these equations and calculate the desired output is integral to becoming a Certified Health Care Environmental Services Professional. This webinar will provide a quick algebra refresher for those who are preparing to take the Exam.</p><h3><small>REGISTRATION INFORMATION</small></h3><p>This is a pre-recorded, on-demand webinar available at your convenience.</p><p>Product Code: 324WB0224</p><hr><h3><small>SPEAKER</small></h3><p><strong>Scott Hedding, MBA, FACHE, CHESP</strong><br>Vice President of Environmental and Linen Services<br>MedStar Health</p> Tue, 06 Feb 2024 11:04:24 -0600 Finance & Budgeting Budget Reduction Strategies /education-events/budget-reduction-strategies <p>As EVS leaders, making budget reduction decisions is inevitable. Awareness of consumable supply budgeting can be a first step to meeting the needs of those requesting budget cuts. Supplies such as paper products, trashcan liners, air fresheners, and others can all be taken into consideration when reducing department expenses. By focusing on supplies, various strategies can be utilized to ensure that cutting staff is a last resort.</p> <h3><small>REGISTRATION INFORMATION</small></h3> <p>This is a pre-recorded, on-demand webinar available at your convenience.</p> <p>Product Code: 324WB0723</p> <hr /> <h3><small>SPEAKERS</small></h3> <p><strong>Randy Vorland, CHESP, T-CHEST, CMIP</strong><br /> Director of Environmental Services<br /> MercyOne</p> <p>Randy Vorland, Director of Environmental Services at MercyOne will highlight supply and service topics from disinfectants to laundry in which budget cuts can sufficiently be managed and maintained. Learn operational strategies that you can take back and implement in your own departments!</p> Tue, 13 Jun 2023 14:41:08 -0500 Finance & Budgeting EVS Staffing: What’s the Solution? /education-events/webinar-evs-staffing <h2>Description:</h2> <p>Optimal environmental services staffing is an age-old and complex issue that effects patients and clinicians, as well as the EVS department. The environment of care changes often and requires flexible solutions to staffing. Given the variability in settings of care and situations, there is not a one-size-fits-all solution to staffing. AHE’s all-new, updated Staffing Methodologies Course and Calculator Bundle provides a deeper dive into the components needed for appropriate EVS staffing. Attend this webinar to hear how to use the Staffing Calculator as a tool to reach appropriate department staffing levels.</p> <p>Product Code: 324WB0123</p> <p>Price: Non-Member: $79.00; Member: $0.00</p> <hr /> <h3>Speaker:</h3> <p><strong>Rock Jensen</strong><br /> 91Advisory Board Chairman<br /> Director of Support Services at Yuma Regional Medical Center</p> Tue, 20 Dec 2022 09:43:36 -0600 Finance & Budgeting 91Webinar 2019: Disrupting Overspending /education/disrupting%20overspending <h1>2019 91Webinar</h1> <h2>Disrupting Overspending: Methods for Maintaining Expenses</h2> <hr /> <p><strong>Release Date: </strong>Wednesday, February 20, 2019<br /> <strong>Cost: </strong>91Members FREE; Non-members $79.00</p> <p><a class="btn btn-primary btn" href="" role="button">Register</a></p> <p>Environmental Services (EVS) departments are constantly being asked to do more with less. Oftentimes, EVS leaders are left with tough decisions about how to work with slashed budgets, and aren’t aware of other potential strategies for reducing costs.<br /> <br /> This webinar will examine opportunities for overcoming budget cuts by standardizing spending, containing costs, or creating savings options for supplies, labor, operations, equipment, present value/future value, technology, chemicals, and leveraging partnerships with vendors and suppliers.</p> <p><strong>Presenter:</strong></p> <p><img alt="" data-entity-type="" data-entity-uuid="" height="225" src="" width="169" /></p> <p><strong>Donald Sipp</strong></p> Tue, 04 Dec 2018 00:00:00 -0600 Finance & Budgeting Carroll Hospital Reduces Scrub Costs by 25 Percent with Cintas Scrub Rental Program /carroll-hospital-reduces-scrub-costs-25-percent-cintas-scrub-rental-program <p>May 22, 2017 | <strong>Formats:</strong> Technical Paper | <strong>Content Areas: </strong>Environmental Sanitation Operations, Textile Management Operations | <strong>Tags: </strong>Contracting, Cost Management, Environmental hygiene and sanitation, Finance & Budgeting, Laundry and Textiles, Linen , Process Improvement, Suppliers</p><hr><p>From improved scrub availability, to reduced costs, to enhanced infection prevention, Carroll Hospital has experienced tremendous positive results since deploying the Cintas Scrub Rental Program.<br> </p> Mon, 22 May 2017 15:52:24 -0500 Finance & Budgeting 912017 Webinar: The Buck Stops Here! /education/webinar17_the_buck_stops_here <h1>2017 91Webinar</h1> <h2>The Buck Stops Here!</h2> <hr /> <p><strong>Release Date:</strong> Thursday, April 20<br /> <strong>Cost:</strong> 91Members FREE; Non-Members $59</p> <p><a class="btn btn-primary btn" href="" role="button">Register</a></p> <p>As Environmental Services leaders, all too often we get caught up with the way our facilities "look" because that is where many of us are most comfortable. However, running an efficient department demands that we spend time analyzing the department's financial performance. Understanding how the facility benchmarks the environmental services department is critical to understanding how and where adjustments to budgets need to be made. Also important is an understanding of return on investment (ROI) and how to prepare ROI spreadsheets for capital equipment purchases, leases or service agreements. Join us for this riveting session as we delve into the financial world of today’s environmental services leader.</p> <p><strong>Presenters:</strong></p> <p><img alt="Image result for greg may" data-entity-type="" data-entity-uuid="" height="153" src="image/jpeg;base64,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" width="153" /></p> <p><strong>Greg May, CHESP</strong><br /> System Director of Environmental Services<br /> Swedish Seattle</p> <p><img alt="Image result for mike bailey" data-entity-type="" data-entity-uuid="" src="" /></p> <p><strong>Mike Bailey, CHESP, Master T-CHEST</strong><br /> Bailey Consulting Services, LLC</p> Mon, 17 Apr 2017 00:00:00 -0500 Finance & Budgeting Selecting the Best Products /selecting-best-products <p>November 29, 2015 | <b>Formats:</b> Article | <b>Content Areas:</b> Environmental Sanitation Operations, Financial Stewardship | <b>Tags:</b> Cost Management, Environmental hygiene and sanitation, Finance & Budgeting, Management, Suppliers</p> <hr /> <p>We asked Terri Nelson, RN, MA, value analysis manager with Mayo Clinic, a few questions about selecting the best health care textile products.</p> <p><strong>What does a value analysis manager do?</strong></p> <p>The role of the Clinical Value Analysis Team is to work with the end users, which includes both the clinical staff and the linen team, in selecting the best valued product for their practice.</p> <p><strong>What would be your top considerations when purchasing linens/textiles for a hospital setting?</strong></p> <p>Where is the product going to be used? That is the first question we ask. What are staff expectations? For example, if we are looking for a patient gown, we would ask clinical staff how will they use the gown and what product attributes are needed. They may say they need a patient gown that will provide coverage and allow the clinical staff to access the chest. When working with linen staff we need to understand where the product is stored. Is shelving space limited? We also ask about infection control requirements, if any.</p> <p><strong>Most people would assume that the most expensive product will satisfy the best. In your experience, has this generally been true?</strong></p> <p>For all products we use a value equation. Price is important, but value is what we want to achieve. Value = Quality (Outcomes + Safety + Service) Cost</p> <p><strong>Should you first consult your laundry processor about how these items will be cared for?</strong></p> <p>We start with the clinical staff first, but right behind that is the laundry. We obtain information from the manufacturer regarding the products’ characteristics, thread count, or special coatings, and find out whether the manufacturer has laundering requirements. Once we have this information, we would talk with the laundry processor to address its ability to launder the items.</p> <p><strong>Why is that important? </strong></p> <p>It is part of the quality, service, and cost. Our laundry provides a service. If the item requires processing outside of the norm, this will impact its ability to provide service and potentially increase the cost.</p> <p><strong>Is storage a concern? Why or why not?</strong></p> <p>Yes, space is always limited. We consider where the product will be stored: warehouse or a store room near the users? How much stock do we keep to ensure we have clean product?</p> <p><strong>Can you discuss how you make decisions based on the demands of cost/quality/outcomes?</strong></p> <p>Our process includes developing an Award Matrix, making the decision more objective. The Award Matrix is two parts—one part includes the “non-financial” (quality, attributes, storage, etc.) and the second part is the financial (cost of product, cost of laundry, etc.). These are pulled into the Award Matrix.</p> Sun, 29 Nov 2015 12:05:36 -0600 Finance & Budgeting Strong, Vibrant and Visible /strong-vibrant-and-visible <h4>By Michael Bailey, CHESP</h4> <p>March 23, 2014 | <b>Formats:</b> Article | <b>Content Areas:</b> Administration | <b>Tags:</b> Communication, Finance & Budgeting, HCAHPS, Leadership, Management</p> <hr /> <p>Welcome to 2014 and what will certainly be another year of big change in health care. The implications and ramifications of the Affordable Care Act will become ever more apparent as we move forward. There are plenty of questions surrounding this new program but, at this point, not many answers. One thing is for sure: business as usual will not be an option if health care institutions are to continue to grow and thrive. Shrinking reimbursements and increasing regulations will force all of us to seriously review our operations and strategy. In other words, we need to be strong, vibrant and visible leaders in our institutions.</p> <p>A recent survey of hospital CEOs listed financial concerns as the main issue on the table in 2014. Reduced Medicare and Medicaid<br /> payments, anticipated decreases in volumes, increasing acuity levels, and increasing equipment and supply expenses are all adding to a situation that will take knowledge and leadership to address. We are dedicating this edition of EXPLORE to the discussion of how these issues will affect environmental services across all care settings. Let’s take a look at a couple of the most pressing problems confronting our profession in the immediate and the near future.</p> <p><strong>Measureable and defensible evidence</strong></p> <p>If CEOs are worried about finances, then it would be prudent for us to more than consider them and how we can contribute to ease some of the pressure on the executive teams and the boards of directors. Most of us are accustomed to staffing cuts at this point. A manager swallows the pill and does what has to be done to meet the targets. However, a leader understands the importance of being at the table armed with not only passion for what we do but more importantly, armed with the data we need to substantiate the investment being made in our services.</p> <p>Do you have the data, information and leadership skills to represent yourself and your department at the table? Simple answers and explanations will not serve us going forward. We need measureable and defensible evidence, metrics and data to illustrate the impact and value of our services to our customers. We need to be worthy of the respect we desire. Do you know who has this information or how to create your own?</p> <p><strong>Impact of HCAHPS scores</strong></p> <p>Because a portion of reimbursements are tied to satisfaction, we cannot forget about the impact of HCAHPS scores on our institutions. With dwindling resources and increasing expectations, we need to think innovatively when looking at staff productivity and ask ourselves whether we are getting the return from our labor dollars. Have we developed a hiring protocol for the department that addresses not only experience but behaviors? Are we conducting behavior-based interviewing and hiring for customer-focused skill sets to ensure we have the service-minded personalities on the front line? Do we teach strategic skill-building? Can staff make ethical choices? Are we hiring the first person through the door hoping we can on-board them with a fast wave of technical training? Are we hiring coachable, teachable staff that will assimilate into the culture of service? Are we coaching and nurturing the next wave of supervisors and managers so we can lead, not just work?</p> <p>As leaders, we need to develop criteria and expectations for our hiring and orientation programs to ensure we are getting the best and brightest. Great attitudes and high performance will be the key to our success with customer service.</p> <p><strong>Increasing territories and responsibilities</strong></p> <p>In addition to finance and customer service issues, we also need to be focused on the increasing territories and responsibilities being added to our plates. Most of us are dealing with more than one facility, and many of us are being asked to take on other departments. According to the trending experts, health care is and will continue to be delivered away from the acute-care hospital setting. What types of issues does this present to us as patients are seen farther away from our concentration of resources? What is your vision for the care and services that are provided away from the core? Who are the partners that will help?</p> <p><strong>Utilize tools and resources</strong></p> <p>These are the questions 91has received in conversations with members throughout 2013. Just as we delivered on your requests for free member education and training as part of dues, 2014 promises to provide you with the tools and resources you will need to respond to these challenges, demonstrate leadership, and formulate the vision necessary to make you and your teams invaluable. Keep asking, and we’ll keep listening. As we prepare to deliver these exciting new tools, programs and resources, I am asking you to do a few things to enhance your skills:</p> <ul> <li>Achieve or renew your CHESP.</li> <li>Maintain your 91membership and encourage a peer to join.</li> <li>Visit often for the latest information on what’s coming and when.</li> <li>Visit – that’s right The 91 website has resources that will get you thinking about what keeps your executive management team awake at night. It will help you with the vision I spoke of earlier. It will help you ready yourself, not only for what may be coming but how you leverage what we will be delivering.</li> </ul> <p>Of all the resources we will be launching in 2014, your CHESP, your membership and its benefits, the information offered on the websites above, and your passion for what you do will be your most valuable resources as you navigate the uncertainty of health care and your role.</p> <p>As you read the pages of this important issue of EXPLORE, take note that vision and leadership will be the key to success for all of<br /> us. Please take advantage of your membership benefits. ENGAGE in AHE’s webinars and courses, and leverage the knowledge and intellectual capital available to you from others who participate in courses and committee work. Consider getting involved and join them. Take advantage of the 91and AHA library of publications that are inexpensive yet critical to our mission.</p> <p>Don’t forget to budget for and attend the best learning and networking event for the profession at EXCHANGE 2014 in Tampa, Fla., September 21–24. You will be surrounded by amazing talent, unfettered networking opportunities and an information repository<br /> that extends beyond the program dates. Make 2014 the year of vision, growth and success! Let us help you! Help yourself! ENJOY<br /> this issue of EXPLORE, and I hope to see yo u in Tampa!</p> Sun, 23 Mar 2014 14:43:50 -0500 Finance & Budgeting