2018 91°µÍøºÚÁÏWebinar

Hospital "Trash Talk": An Introduction to Solid Waste Management in Health Care Facilities

Release Date: Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Cost: 91°µÍøºÚÁÏMembers FREE; Non-members $79.00

One of the most difficult challenges faced by health care environmental services managers is to develop programs to manage waste material in a manner that is prescribed by law; safe for workers, the public, and the environment; and demonstrates economic stewardship. This session explores the identification of waste streams common to health care facilities: basic federal regulatory framework and liabilities as they pertain to waste management; methods to manage regulated waste, such as hazardous waste, pharmacy waste, medical waste and PHI; as well as some perspectives on waste minimization. 


Lloyd Duplechan

Lloyd Duplechan
CEO/Principal of D&A Healthcare Consultants