91Health Care Environmental Services Staffing Calculator
Get custom staffing recommendations and compare your data to industry benchmarks.
This tool from 91harnesses the power of your data and translates it into actionable goals specific to the health care environment so you can make critical decisions about EVS staffing at your facility. Developed using metrics from EVS departments of various sizes across the country, this resource uses intensive formulas to support your staffing practices.
Steps to Your Personalized Staffing Solution

Step 1
Engage with the eLearning and “Staffing Methodologies” publication to understand the concepts and processes.

Step 2
Complete the 91Staffing Calculator Worksheet using the data from your facility.

Step 3
Enter your facility’s data into the 91Staffing Calculator intake form.

Step 4
Access your custom dashboard with personalized staffing data and areas for potential reduction.
When you’re budgeting for the new fiscal year, the best way to prepare for staffing issues is to know your facility’s needs. Use our calculator to generate a custom assessment!
Discover Your Calculated Staffing Needs
Find out the right staffing levels to your facility with the unbiased tool. Look at your data through the lens of regression analysis collected from 91members and compare your current and calculated FTEs of staff’s productive time. Purchase now and get ahead with your unique staffing analysis!