COVID-19 Resources for EVS Professionals
Last Updated 5/29/2020 |Thermometers to States | Reopening information. | Hurricane Season Preparation.
Last Updated 4/30/2020 | COVID-19 EVS Cleaning Essentials Refresher Training Toolkit. | Airborne Precautions Infographic. | EVS Considerations Infographic.
Last Updated 4/13/2020 | List of Personal Protective Equipment FDA Emergency Use Authorizations. | Medical Waste Infographic.
Updated 4/08/2020 | FDA Approves System for Decontaminating N95 Respirators link and file. Medical waste content. Staffing content.
Updated 4/01/2020 | Decontamination and Reuse of Filtering Facepiece Respirators using Contingency and Crisis Capacity Strategies link |Determining Air Changes Per Hour (ACH) in the Field video.
Updated 3/30/2020 | Enforcement Policy for Sterilizers, Disinfectant Devices, and Air Purifiers During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Public Health Emergency | FDA resource links.
Updated 3/27/2020 | EPA List N Infographic.
Updated 3/26/2020 | Preparedness links.
Updated 3/25/2020 | PPE, Cleaning and Disinfecting,Isolation Rooms links.
Updated 3/23/2020 | COVID-19 resources: General resource links. | Guidance for Retirement Communities and Independent Living links.
Updated 2/20/2020 | Updated Advisory 91°µÍøºÚÁÏ2019 Novel Coronavirus released.
Updated 1/29/2020 | 91°µÍøºÚÁÏ2019 Novel Coronavirus Advisory released.
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Project Firstline: To stop the spread of infectious disease threats—including COVID-19—anyone working in a health care facility needs a foundational knowledge of infection control and must understand and be ready to implement infection control protocols and procedures throughout their work day, including during every patient care activity and health care interaction.
CDC’s Project Firstline is a collaborative of diverse health care and public health partners that have come together to make that happen.
Learn More - PATHWAYS TO CLEAN – eLearning Bundle certificate program: Turnkey cleaning and disinfection solutions for outbreak and pandemic surge response.
Access eLearning Bundle - Ready. Set. Clean. Hospitality eLearning Bundle certificate program: Turnkey cleaning and disinfection solutions for outbreak and pandemic surge response for a hospitality setting.
Access eLearning Bundle - COVID-19 EVS Cleaning Essentials Refresher Training Toolkit
Download Now (members-only)
Omicron Variant: What You Need to Know
The United States has named a Variant of Concern in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Stay up-to-date with COVID-19 by visiting the CDC's .
Vaccine Considerations
Strategies are needed for healthcare facilities to appropriately evaluate and manage post-vaccination signs and symptoms among healthcare personnel. These considerations are based on the current understanding of signs and symptoms following COVID-19 vaccination, including timing and duration, and might change as experience with the vaccine accumulates.
Well Being and Self Care
Special Message: After months on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, environmental service professionals have served as a source of comfort for patients not able to see loved ones, while maintaining rooms to the highest standards of cleanliness. EVS personnel are heroes deserving of recognition, but never forget they are human, too, and also may need care.
To support these health defenders, AHA has a number of behavioral health resources, including a page dedicated to .
Webinar Series
- COVID-19 Challenges for Health Care Environmental Services: Open Forum Part 3, August 18th,
12:00pm CST
Register - Solution Sharing Open Forum: Health Care Environmental Services’ Response to COVID-19 Challenges –Continuing the Conversation
View On Demand - Solution Sharing Open Forum: Health Care Environmental Services’ Response to COVID-19 Challenges
View On Demand - Post COVID-19: Transitioning Environmental Services to a New Normal
View On Demand
Coronavirus Update, Part II: Health Care Professional Preparedness and Response to COVID-19, with Dr. Michael Bell, Deputy Director, Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Members-only webinar.
View On Demand - Coronavirus Update—What Health Care Professionals Need to Know to Prepare for COVID-19, with Dr. Michael Bell, Deputy Director, Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Members-only webinar.
View On Demand | Download Post Webinar FAQs
EVS Considerations Airborne Precautions Medical Waste
Cleaning and Disinfection Information
Personal Protective Equipment
FDA Reissues EUA for Certain Disposable FFRs
The FDA reissued the emergency use authorization (EUA) for imported, non-NIOSH-approved, disposable filtering facepiece respirators (FFRs) manufactured in countries other than China. The FDA revised and reissued this EUA to authorize for emergency use only those respirators listed in the EUA’s Exhibit The agency also announced that no new respirator models will be added to Exhibit 1. .
Checklist for Healthcare Facilities
Environmental Infection Prevention
COVID-19 Infection Control Basics for Environmental Services Workers
Cleaning and Disinfection
Isolation Rooms
Air Change Formula
Personnel and Personnel Training
Stay informed about the local COVID-19 situation. Know where to turn for reliable, up-to-date information in your local community. Monitor the CDC COVID-19 website and your state and local health department websites for the latest information.
Medical Waste Infographic Waste Management Information
The CDC has determined that medical waste generated in the treatment of COVID-19 patients and patients under investigation (PUIs) be managed in accordance with routine procedures. There are no additional packaging or transportation requirements from the Department of Transportation (DOT) for regulated medical waste or sharps.
Retirement Communities and Independent Living Facilities
The CDC released new guidance for retirement communities and independent living facilities to better aid in the planning, preparation for, and response to coronavirus disease 2019. The guidance is based on what is currently known about the transmission and severity of coronavirus disease. Residents in retirement communities and independent living facilities are considered to be at higher risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes because of older age and because they may have underlying health conditions.
Crisis Management Leadership
In the absence of pre-determined procedures, a novel crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, can overwhelm contingency plans and test leadership’s decision making. Follow these four principles to help you manage the unexpected. Note: Click screen if content doesn’t begin automatically.
For More Resources Visit
Share this video with your colleagues and Break the Chain of Infection.
Determining Air Changes Per Hour (ACH) in the Field. Watch this video from the American Society of Health Care Engineers.

Products with Emerging Viral Pathogens AND Human Coronavirus claims for use against SARS-CoV-2