
Mon, Aug 15, 2022, 08:00 AM CDT – Mon, Aug 15, 2022, 09:00 AM CDT


Members: $0.00 | Non-member: $259.00


Virtual Training

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Open To

Members and Non-members


Registration closes August 15, 2022, at 11:59 pm CT

Ever-increasing health care costs are a critical financial concern for health care facilities and the nation. How are today’s leading facilities managing costs effectively? What is their secret to success? Lean management techniques have proven to be a critical factor in the success of many organizations.

What can Lean do for you and your organization?

Learn how to use Lean to eliminate waste in Environmental Services processes, and to drive continuous quality improvement and employee job satisfaction. This self-directed, interactive online course will use case studies and exercises to lay the foundation for creating a Lean health care organization through the application of Lean tools and concepts such as value stream mapping, 5S, mistake proofing, and more. When properly implemented, the Lean system can bring tangible results for Environmental Services, the facility, the staff, and ultimately patients.

Class Available: August 15, 2022 - September 25, 2022

Product Code: 324ELLMS0822


This class is available 24/7 within the timeframe indicated above. You may work at any time of the day and you are not required to log in to the course at any specific date/time. However, assignments are due by Sunday of each week.


Pat Carte, CT, FESE, AAS, BS

Pat has been in health care and hospitality for over two decades, starting in the hospitality arena as a Front Office Manager and recruited to the health care and long-term care environment as Director of Environmental Services, transportation, and sanitation. Pat has an Associate of Psychology degree and a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. Pat believes that her military family has stimulated her personal growth, preparedness, and self-reliance through specialized engagements. Pat became certified to safely lift and support anyone struggling with mental health and is in the purse of the postgraduate term.