Environmental Hygiene in the OR in 2020: Onward and Upward!
Event Format
Mon, Jun 22, 2020, 12:00 AM CDTCost
members free; non-members pay $79
On-Demand Educational Webinars
Event Host

This year has brought more than the usual challenges to the operating room with the temporary closing or re-deployment of many surgical departments. Do things need to be done differently going forward?
In this presentation we will discuss unique considerations for environmental hygiene when ramping up surgical procedures during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. We will review the role of environmental contamination in the transmission of infections, including COVID-19.
We will also review:
• disinfectants by active ingredient
• best practices for effective cleaning and disinfection, and
• methods to ensure these practices are followed in the surgical suite to help prevent the transmission of all types of infections.