Infection Prevention and Epidemiology

Each year, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that over 722,000 hospitalized patients contract a healthcare associated infection (HAI), resulting in over 75,000 deaths. In September 2013, the CDC released new evidence of emergent antimicrobial resistance threats and…
Part one of this two-part article provided an overview of Legionnaires’ disease, the source of the bacterium in hospital water systems and aerosol vectors of infection. Part two focuses on the important role that a multidiscipline team plays in managing the legionellosis risk.
Fabrics play an important role in the transmission of bacteria. They have been proven to act as “fomites” – or where organisms can grow and multiply. And, even though soft surfaces constitute a significant portion of the patient’s immediate environment, they are often overlooked in everyday…
EXPLORE spoke with Brian Tallmadge, CHESP, assistant chief, Environmental Management Services, at Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center in Charleston, S.C., about the latest technologies available for EVS professionals.
EXPLORE spoke with Rock Jensen and Greg May, CHESP, about health care reform and its impact on the EVS professional, including expanded service levels, volumes, the impact on today's hospitals and how this will directly affect EVS departments.
Preventable healthcare-associated infections (pHAIs) are still a major challenge in this country’s healthcare facilities. An aggressive intervention initiative is needed to address this problem as rapidly and completely as possible. Further, there’s never been a stronger and more well-defined need…
EXPLORE spoke with Candace Thompson, CHESP, and Lea Beach, CHESP, about infection control, their department’s working relationships with Infection Preventionists (IPs), the latest challenges, how they empower their staff, and best practices for hand-washing and PPE compliance.
It is widely accepted that environmental contamination plays an important role in the transmission of certain pathogens in the healthcare environment. As such, there has been a revival of interest in the role of environmental surfaces as potential vehicles for the transmission of several healthcare…