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Magazine & Journal Articles
Lizbeth White answers questions about the Certified Health Care Environmental Services Professional (CHESP) certification process.
Magazine & Journal Articles
In the new era of healthcare reform, and with the prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), and higher expectations on the hospital environment than ever before, it’s our role as EVS leaders to hold ourselves to a higher standard— of the work we do, the people we lead and the patients we serve. 
Magazine & Journal Articles
Leadership isn’t about position. Leadership is about influence. Many leaders do not realize they are leaders or that they can become a better one. They believe leaders are just born that way. The truth is, with the right drive and training, leaders can be created.
Magazine & Journal Articles
Health care professionals are experiencing unprecedented times, and we need to know how to survive in a climate we have never experienced before. What we all should realize is that it is not a phase we are going through; this is our new reality. We need to not only understand it and get used to it, but also prosper in it.
Magazine & Journal Articles
Bob Paine answers questions about the Certified Health Care Environmental Services Professional (CHESP) certification process.
Magazine & Journal Articles
In a time of great change for health care – particularly in EVS – we need to stay one step ahead by knowing the answers to the questions we’ll be asked, understanding how to track and maintain productivity and efficiencies all while providing the best atmosphere and experience for our patients, visitors and staff. Utilizing technology to leverage and maximize staff time and skills sets will help.
Magazine & Journal Articles
Part one of this two-part article provided an overview of Legionnaires’ disease, the source of the bacterium in hospital water systems and aerosol vectors of infection. Part two focuses on the important role that a multidiscipline team plays in managing the legionellosis risk.
Magazine & Journal Articles
Fabrics play an important role in the transmission of bacteria. They have been proven to act as “fomites” – or where organisms can grow and multiply. And, even though soft surfaces constitute a significant portion of the patient’s immediate environment, they are often overlooked in everyday environmental hygiene practices.
Magazine & Journal Articles
EXPLORE spoke with Brian Tallmadge, CHESP, assistant chief, Environmental Management Services, at Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center in Charleston, S.C., about the latest technologies available for EVS professionals.
Magazine & Journal Articles
Given that an HAI can cost a facility up to $45,000, a more comprehensive approach to surface disinfection may be necessary. The adoption of UV surface treatment technology may be a cost-effective intervention.
Magazine & Journal Articles
The future of health care is as clear and certain as the muddy windows you clean after a rainy day. We have certainly heard the doom and gloom, and yet we also hear the promise of improvement. In today’s health care environment, that means change. But, for you, the environmental services (EVS) professional, the future is marked by the necessity of change.
Magazine & Journal Articles
A look at a couple of the most pressing problems confronting our profession in the immediate and the near future.
Magazine & Journal Articles
Part one of this two-part article provides an overview of Legionnaires’ disease, the source of the bacterium in hospital water systems and aerosol vectors of infection. Part two will focus on the important role that a multidiscipline team plays in managing the legionellosis risk.
Magazine & Journal Articles
A well-trained staff is the cornerstone of any Environmental Services Department. Well-developed and polished Shift Leads are even more important to the department’s growth and success. For that reason, Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare in Milwaukee, Wis., created a  year-long Leadership Development Program for Shift Leads to sharpen their skills and help elevate the department’s level of service.
Magazine & Journal Articles
EXPLORE spoke with Rock Jensen and Greg May, CHESP, about health care reform and its impact on the EVS professional, including expanded service levels, volumes, the impact on today's hospitals and how this will directly affect EVS departments.
Magazine & Journal Articles
Preventable healthcare-associated infections (pHAIs) are still a major challenge in this country’s healthcare facilities. An aggressive intervention initiative is needed to address this problem as rapidly and completely as possible. Further, there’s never been a stronger and more well-defined need for the role of Environmental Services (EVS) as the First Line of Defense in this initiative. And there are successes that bear this out.
Magazine & Journal Articles
Good isn’t good enough anymore. In today’s competitive healthcare environment, excellence will be the expectation not the exception. From meeting HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) standards for room cleanliness and quietness to lowering operating expenses as part of a Lean initiative, environmental services departments are facing significant challenges.
Magazine & Journal Articles
EXPLORE spoke with Candace Thompson, CHESP, and Lea Beach, CHESP, about infection control, their department’s working relationships with Infection Preventionists (IPs), the latest challenges, how they empower their staff, and best practices for hand-washing and PPE compliance.
Presentation Resource
Kelly A. Reynolds, PhD, presents on the 2013 trends in environmental hygiene, including magnitude of HAIs, primary pathogens, fomite contamination, pathogen tracking, mitigation strategies, and new UA research on soft surface sanitizer efficacy.
Presentation Resource
Pamela Jett gives a presentation on expanding your influence in today's health care environment.